Online learning and student portal
Bringing education and learning to the next level
Online Learning Step by Step Guide
Step 1: Request access to student portal
Fill in the form on the right to request access to our student portal
Request access to student portal
Step 4: Access the student portal
Click on the respective lessons to access to the materials loaded on to the portal for the week
Step 5: Download "Zoom" application
Zoom application is available on all mobile devices (andriod and IOS)
You can get the download link here:
Step 6: Key in Meeting ID and password
On the actual lesson day, our administrative staff will whatsapp the meeting ID and password, 15 to 20 minutes before the commencement of the class.
If your child's lesson is on Saturday, 9.30AM, the meeting ID and password will be sent directly to you by 9.10AM.
Accessing the student portal from our website
![Placeholder Image](
![Placeholder Image](